Monday, June 16, 2008

If I thought with my mouth, I'd be a poet... in an asylum

I've been in a massive creative block lately, and the following is a list of reasons I think may be causing it:

  • Alot of things have changed in my life in the last month. Them being:
    • I started summer vacation, i.e: I went from structured, organized projects to not structured, organized projects.
    • After that I was laid off from my job (really?! laid off? I'm too young for this.)
    • Spent alot of time between then and the beginning of last week frantically looking for a job. <-- Alot of pressure.
    • I spent my off time from that working on a project that was (until recently) seemingly endless and extraordinarily daunting. (now its just BIG)
    • Starting my new job, and adjusting to the time warp. (I sit in a dark room, in front of a computer for 8 hours, and I never know if its going to be light or dark outside.
  • All the aforesaid really--really freaked me out.
  • My expectations have grown faster than my abilities.
  • I've not been trying terribly hard, then getting unsatisfactory results, so I give up. <-- I really, really need to fix this one.
  • I've been feeling anti-social.
There's more. I know it, but I'm not gonna try and think the rest. Instead, I'm going to brainstorm some ways to get past this: ....right after some food.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ok, Lets get this party started!

I've decided that in order to keep myself busy, I've decided to create this here blog. We shall soon see how well this is going to turn out. So to kick this off: My tummy hurts. I did sit-ups for the first time in a loooong time last night. Another attempt to keep myself busy.